Coffee Blues

Painting No. 86|10″ x 8″|Oil on Canvas Panel
Here is the second of the cup/bowl ones. The bowls were not happening so I added in a French Press with the coffee cup. The hardest thing about the painting was having to make an awesome pot of coffee and then sit there and not be able to drink it while I painted. It was luke-warm by the time I finished but still really good.

This was another one of those where I sat down and thought “what have I gotten myself into.” The idea of painting a french press is one thing but in application it’s very difficult. It’s a complicated little object but honestly I think I had a harder time with the mug.

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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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