The Outsider

Painting No. 31|8″ x 10″|Oil on Canvas
So, here we are again. It’s been a full month since the last one and it feels like longer than that. I think the break was a combination of both getting worn out from painting and a collision of things at work that just would not stop. But, here we are and I am (hopefully) back in the groove and ready to go. I’m behind a good bit now but have a plan for how to crank it up and still hit number 100 by the end of December. We’ll see.

Number 31. I had this guy started a month ago and just worked on it bit by bit for a long time. I have two more apples to go before moving on and this one was a unique challenge. First off, adding four different apples into the mix was four times the work over just one. It’s not like they get easier to paint if you put more in. Also, there are four apples in this painting – not three or five (like they teach you in art school). Leslie and I got in an argument about this but I liked it the way I had it. Four may be “wrong” but it felt right to me so I kept it. Once I got the color in and it took shape it became more clear that it was really three apples and one apple – which in a weird way is why it works. He’s not a part of the group but wants to be.

So there you go. This one is already sold (thanks Chris!) but more will be on the way this weekend and next week.

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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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