Out Of The Woods

Painting No. 27|10″ x 8″|Oil on Canvas
I’m back with No. 27 after a couple week break. Sorry it was radio silence there for a while. We’ll talk about that in a second but for now let’s focus on the painting.

This is the first true landscape for this project and the subject is a park we like to go to (Sharon Springs). They have this quasi garden club that had made this garden with a pathway that winds around. It’s dark back in there and opens up onto this really large field. During college I painted dozens of landscapes and I was more rusty than I thought when this one was started. It took several days of bending it and molding it to get the balance of the light right.

As far as the break goes – for some reason I started on a series of very different (for this project) and very diverse subjects. You’ll see them over the next couple of weeks but I think it was too much change all at once. I thought I was making more progress than I really was and basically hit a buzz saw trying to make all these work.

The title is a nod a Nickle Creek song with the same name. The painting is obviously deals with the literal topic but I also feel like I’m headed into the light at last…

So that’s it for now. It feels great to be back and I’m looking forward to this next set of paintings.

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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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