Two Pears and an Apple

Painting No. 165|6″ x 8″|Oil on Canvas Panel
This one is sort of a warm-up exercise. We went to the beach for Thanksgiving and I have a new set-up to paint while away from the home studio that I wanted to try out. The new easel is a Guerrilla Painter Thumb Box and I also bought a brush carrier so I can start painting plein air.
When we got in it was really overcast and rainy so I had to set-up inside to give it all a try. They had some really nice fake fruit so I sat down and painted what I had. It was good to try this out indoors and get my feet wet while it was nasty outside.
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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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