Short Term Memory

Painting No. 126|6″ x 6″|Oil on Canvas Panel

This painting is the result of a misunderstanding. I had been reading The Art Spirit by Robert Henri and in that book he talked about working from memory. His contention was that looking directly at a model (or a photo) made you less creative and that to really express a subject you needed to paint it from memory.

So I was driving one evening and saw two people walking on the greenway and thought – that would make a great painting. I will paint it from memory!
The only problem with this is that Henri intended for you to intensely study the subject prior to painting. Not glance at the subject while driving by at 50 mph. I figured that out after I painted this. Lesson learned.
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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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