Ode to Mercy (Study)

Painting No. 110|7″ x 5″|Oil on Canvas Panel
I am a full time designer / marketing guy while painting is currently more of a hobby. These two stay separated most of the time but I recently had an opportunity to bring some of my art into my design work.

My good friends Eric & Nick had launched Wild Heaven Craft Beers back at the end of 2010 on draft only but the plan was to sell bottles in 2011. I had been working on a bottle design that had fine art as the central image and the guys liked that basic direction.

I priced out licensing a Nolde and a Schileel for the guys and Nick asked me if I wanted to take a cut at it before we went that direction. I laughed and then thought it would not hurt to try it.

So this was the first of the bunch. The beer this was for is called “Ode to Mercy” and so I envisioned this lonely type of guy playing guitar by himself. I used this painting to vet the concept and see how it would work.

In No. 111 I’ll post the final painting and some samples of the bottles.

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About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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