Month: December 2014

This painting was done earlier in the year, but I forgot to post it on the blog once I started back. It’s a commission for a friend who I’d done a smaller one for a couple years back. At 20″ x 20″, this is the largest canvas I worked on this year, and it took a while to complete.
This painting will be the last one of the year for me. 250 felt like a nice round number to stop at, and I’ve got a new batch ready for January. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you in 2015!!!

So here’s the last of the marsh pines paintings. The original idea with these was to focus on the dock/boardwalk but the harshness of the lines kept bothering me. So, I used a little artistic license and took it out. I have a whole bunch of new things starting next week.

Here is the second (really third) of these pines. I was trying to simplify the colors and maintain a little more control over what went where. The oil primed linen was throwing me off and I could not shake this weird yellow tint on the whole thing.

This painting is the second version of 246. After I got back to the studio I was able to quietly sit and really explore the scene. I edited out a number of the elements that were competing for focus and zeroed in on the main tree.

What I found after looking at the image was that there was this beautiful spot of light that was hitting the tree. The sunlight illuminated a specific spot on the tree and told me what the story was. So then, instead of it just being a painting of a tree it became a painting of how light hit the tree.

This is a view of the Gascoigne dock on St. Simons Island. It was painted on location while I was there in October. As a beginner, it’s such a struggle to not be overwhelmed when painting outside. There is so much visual information to take in and I find it hard to get (mentally) in a place where I can only focus on the painting.
That said, there are always things I unknowingly capture when painting outside that don’t exist in the photo. This painting did not turn out good for a number of reasons but it still had important clues and information that I used when painting it again.

Les had bought some mums in the Fall, and these looked perfect in the light. I set up my easel on the front porch to tried and capture them.

About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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