Month: February 2014

I finally felt like I was getting it on this one. Still not what I want but things just seemed to click. More than anything it was the shadows at the bottom that help me understand what to paint. I did this one on a Wooden panel too. First time I’ve every worked with that. It’s basically a piece of MDF that you gesso over and then paint on. It’s a totally different surface to work on. Incredibly smooth.

This one was in the same boat as 226 where it was almost an experimental . This one has the false meadow added in and then I pulled it back to reality.  So there are some layers to this one but it’s where I finally felt like I started to understand the composition.

No. 226 is horrendous but ended up being important. I did an incredibly careful underpainting, added color and was disappointed (again) by the results. This time, I decided that the composition could have been what was causing the problem. If it’s fundamentally flawed then no one could paint it, right?

So, I trimmed the bushes in the front, added a meadow in the back and a tree line in the distance. I worked it like crazy. And it still stunk.

The good news is that those changes helped things start clicking. I ended up using this one as sort of a frankenpainting for the remaining four to test colors and ideas. So the bushes grew again, the meadow disappeared and it shifted to a sunset. I had to be content with this one being a disaster so that the future ones could be better.

I liked 224 alright, but it felt too primary. It felt too loud and I wanted to explore how to make it more subtle. I wanted to try something where the greens were more muted and knocked back. So with 225 I did a normal Burnt Sienna underpainting and then used a limited color palette on top of that. During this exploration I also decided to ignore or blend the background with the sky and make it all a warm yellow. In the end it feels a little too murky but it was good to try this and see what a whole new color palette could do to the tone.

About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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