Month: December 2013

Here is the last of the peach bowl paintings and the last one for the year from me. It’s sort of an odd composition and cropping but we ended up liking this one best and I did the 48″ x 48″ with this layout. That one is not done but I’ll post it once it’s finished up. Happy new year!

Here’s the third of the 6″ x 6″ Peach Bowl paintings. It’s almost identical to 2017 and the only real difference is the angle and cropping of the bowl. It felt too symmetrical in 217 so I tried to vary the weight a little bit.

I felt like something was off with the earlier Peach Bowl paintings and decided to step back and think about the way I was approaching it. Instead of doing the Burnt Sienna underpainting, I had jumped straight to the color and so I decided to try one as a monotone. In the Richard Schmid book, Alla Prima, he talks about monotone paintings being basically drawings. So, with this version, I was basically taking some time to stop and draw the composition before moving on with the color.

Here is the second of the peach bowl paintings. I was trying a different arrangement here to look at more of a 3/4 view vs. directly above. I never really got this one where I wanted to. The blue shadows on the bottom are a little too hot but it was worth a shot.

This is a little painting of a watering can on our back porch. After not painting for a couple of weeks I felt like I needed to do something, so I grabbed the pochade box and knocked this out one afternoon. It’s not great but sometimes you have to take a simple, and possibly clumsy, step to start walking again.

Here is the first of what will probably be several paintings of peaches. Leslie had requested a huge painting of some peaches in our dining room so this is the beginning of that process. We bought a bag from a fruit stand this summer on our way back from the country and I specifically picked one out that still had the leaves attached. It’s also fun because we found the antique wooden bowl on the same trip. They are a nice reminder of the summer in this cold, wet weather..

About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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