Header block that goes at the top and clarifies what this is what how to look at it. It needs to be subtle but also overly visible and a “stop here first” type message. 

I had a few other chicken shots from 2011 and wanted to try this guy. I loved painting the high-key colors on this one. The colors look crazy if you focus on them but it works (I hope) as a whole.

Well, this is it for 2015. Another 100 in the books. I’m going to take a week off and then try to keep on painting. I feel like I’ve learned so much over the last 45 days and don’t want to lose that momentum. Happy new year!!!

I was running out of gas with the cows and saw this orange at our local grocery store. The orange color on this was so intense that I had a hard time mixing a color that was accurate.

Here is the last of the cows for the year. These were so fun to paint and I’ll be revisiting them in 2016!

Mixing it up a bit, here are two cows in a field. These guys were so much fun to paint and I’m loving the warm and cool grays when painting these cows.

I wanted to revisit No. 320 from earlier in the year and redeem that awful painting. This one is just a little bit better. I’m gonna be posting daily through the end of the year to hit 100.

Here’s the last painting I did during my workshop with James Richards. I felt a little goofy painting something like this during an event like that, but my daughter had requested a painting of “bunny” and I wanted it to be a good one. As with the others, James helped me see the colors that I did not pick-up on and made it better in so many ways.

This painting takes me back to No. 18 from way back in 2010. We’ve moved on from baby shoes, but all I can still see is her growing up way too fast. I’m glad we’ll have this one as a record of these days.

About Adam Houston

Adam Houston is an American impressionist oil painter. He lives outside of Athens, GA and paints the landscape of the surrounding country. In 2010 he began the blog 100 Paintings by Adam where he documented his progress as an artist.  

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